We've been doing this activity for the past 4 weeks. I usually ask my daughter to identify the letter as she is placing the puzzle piece in the correct place. I know when we started this activity my daughter would look at the lowercase letter, but she focused at the uppercase letter to identify them. We usually do this activity maybe 3 times a week. She no longer has to look at the uppercase letters to identify the lowercase letters. Repetition is key. I laminate mine and added velcro sticky dots. You can find the Letter Puzzle file here.

For the math activity I went over the previous numbers; one, two and three. I then cut the number four and my daughter glued the pieces on top of the dotted number four. We counted the pieces before and after glueing the pieces on the appropriate spot. We are keeping the numbered puzzles in a folder to review them. You can find the free file here .

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