Today we reused the farm animal cuts outs and played a little matching game.
Popcorn Kernels
Farm Animals
Farm Animal Cut Outs
Storage Bin
For this activity I hid the farm animals and had my daughter find each animal. Then she place the animal on top of the corresponding card.
The best part of this activity is if you don't have the farm animals on hand you could also print out an extra set of the animal cut outs and hide one set in the popcorn kernels.
For the second activity I hid the second set of animal cut outs and I also hid the few farm animals that I had on hand.
To get the free farm animal cuts out please follow this 3 steps.
Step 1 - Please Subscribe to my website.
Step 2 - Under contact please submit your name and EMAIL and specify that your would like the free Barn Animal file.
Step 3 - Please visit my Facebook page and Subscribe.