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Polar Bear Day 4

This has got to be my favorite craft so far. I highly recommend to print the file on card stock or glueing card board on the back of each cut out. We have been strengthening our daughters hands by letting her squeeze the liquid glue bottle herself. This activity also helps her strength other parts of her hand when she pinches the small clothes pins. Strengthening her hand will help her for when she starts to learn how to write. Our polar bear played peek a boo with us and he also ate P's. You can find the free file here.

For math we practiced the numbers 1-4. We used one of the two number match activities included in yesterday's activity. I laminated the file to reuse it for the next four weeks. We counted the amount of animals and placed a dot on top of each animal as we counted. We then drew a line to the matching number. You can find the free file here.

For our last activity we reused day one's letter P maze activity. This time instead of using bingo chips we used our Do A Dot markers. The file contains two activities, all uppercase letters and a mixture of lowercase and uppercase letters. You can find the free file here.

Next week we will continue reading the same book, but we will practice the letter L and the number 2. Most of the activities for next week are included on week 1. Please visit back to view the calendar for week 2. Please subscribe or follow us on Facebook for the latest post.

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