Today we are matching the letters L, P, H, and, F. There are two different sets. One set matches the letter with an image. This is to help the child sound out the letter. For example you would sound out the letter L and say lion then draw a line across it. The other set can also be used the same way, but it's also used to help match the lowercase letter with the uppercase letter. I laminate mine to reuse for the next four weeks, but you can print it and have your child draw a line with a writing tool. The file also contains a number match, which we will be working on the following day. You can find the free file here.
We are still practicing identifying the number 3. We will be reusing yesterdays's Number 3 Cut and Paste file. I laminate mine and added velcro dots. For today's activity we rolled out some play doh and formed the number three. You can also roll out three circles and place them on top of each polar bear, counting as you place each circle. My child likes to press on the Play Doh.
You can find the free file here.
To end our day we did a little bit of movement. I jotted down a couple of movements you can try at home. Do the movements as you say them. You can add more movements if you like you don't have to say them in that order. Remember to have fun.
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